Love my colorful lamp in the living room. Made christmas lights and wire og decorated it with plastic pearls.
fredag den 21. december 2012
søndag den 9. december 2012
Knitted Christmas cones
Love to knit, so why not knit some cones for Christmas. Decorate the cones with hearts. Fun and fast to make :-) If you cut to many hearts, sew them together.
søndag den 2. december 2012
To and from cards
Love making all kinds of patterns with plastic pearls. Good ide to get your children to make homemade to and from cards on the Christmas gifts.
torsdag den 29. november 2012
lørdag den 24. november 2012
Pink and black
Having fun við neonpink and black. Love the colors together. Pink plexiglas as a table and some decorated jam jars for the black candles and voila.
fredag den 5. oktober 2012
Autumn flowers
These are almost the last flowers in my garden. In the cold and stormy Faroe Islands, there are not many days where you can enjoy being in your garden this time of year. So I'm trying to enjoy the pink flowers indoors with a nice pink book ;-)
lørdag den 21. juli 2012
Flowers in an apple
My favorit colors are yellow and light blue. So when the flower " forget me not" is comming to life, I like to collect them and put them in yellow apples. A very easy summer decoration.
tirsdag den 17. juli 2012
Summer on the balcony
It has not been a particularly hot weather in the Faroe Islands this summer. The pictures were taken last summer. But summer is not over yet and I just got my summervacation. So now I'm looking forward to it being sunny and warm :-)
tirsdag den 29. maj 2012
Mountain trip on the Faroe Islands
Summer has finally arrived on the Faroe Islands. My work colleagues and I, have been on a mountain trip from the capital Tórshavn to a small village called Kirkjubø, on the Faroe Islands.
1. The national flower of the Faroe Islands (sólja) 2. Sheep 3. Tórshavn the capital of the Faroe Islands 4. A flower on the mountain 5. Kirkjubø 6-7. Sheep.
1. The national flower of the Faroe Islands (sólja) 2. Sheep 3. Tórshavn the capital of the Faroe Islands 4. A flower on the mountain 5. Kirkjubø 6-7. Sheep.

søndag den 29. april 2012
Our Hall
Made a bench in the Hall, and I am so happy for it. Made two rooms under the bench for sweaters, hats, mittens, scarves etc can be hidden. Love also taking pictures of our boys. Under the pictures is the stairs to downstairs teen-rooms ;-)
lørdag den 21. april 2012
My sun in the kitchen :-)
lørdag den 14. april 2012
Knitted jersey
Inspired by Guðrun & Guðrun sweaters, I made my own in colors. I have knitted with Sirri yarn I knitted the faroese flag, in pink, light blue and white. The pink yarn is not from Sirri.
søndag den 25. marts 2012
Easter eggs
I have knitted and crochet easter eggs, decopaged eggs, glued feathers and blonds on eggs, wool on eggs... Brown and white eggss. I really had some fun making easter eggs ;-)
fredag den 23. marts 2012
Yellow cheese cake with gel
Having my 37 years birthday, and I am making alot of cake. Tradition in the Faroe Island is to make homemade cakes for birthdays. This yellow gel cheese cake is one of the cakes this evening :-) Looking forward celebrating my birthday and the danish X-Factor final this evening.
onsdag den 21. marts 2012
Indoor flowers
Bought new indoor flowers from the local supermarket. Love the different colors. Looking forward to see the sun on the northern hemisphere.
tirsdag den 20. marts 2012
Easter fun
Made some easter fun for the magasin Kvinna some time ago. Made the birds with old jersey jeans. The chair is on my wishlist
torsdag den 15. marts 2012
Our dog Chili
Our sweet and loving dog Chili. Looked at some old photos when she had puppies. Chili is now almost 8 years old. ”Moms little girl :-)“
tirsdag den 13. marts 2012
Wool sweater with heart
Love making sweaters. I have 3 boys, so whenever I knit at sweater for a girl I have to find someone who has a girl. Lucky for me, my cousin has girls :-) Sweet Róa has got a heartsweater from me.
mandag den 12. marts 2012
Aron's 8 year old
My father and I, made Aron a new bed, so that he could have more space to play on the floor. And I changed the colors so that Aron's room looked more like a 8 years old boys room.
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